On this page you will find information about all the various tests and exams currently in operation in the British education system
Nowadays there are so many different exams and tests taking place throughout your child’s time at school that it can be very confusing. Here is a list of the different types of tests/exams that your child may well have to face at school and the ages at which s/he will sit them.
SATs Key Stage 1 (ages 6/7) Children in Key Stage 1 take the SATs test in Maths and English in Year 2 sometime in the Summer Term. The date is decided by the school with the child’s teacher also giving his/her assessment.
11 Plus exam (ages 10/11) In several parts of England the 11 plus exam is still taken by Year 6 children who wish to enter their local grammar school. The children are tested on one or more of the follwing subjects: English, Maths, Non-verbal Reasoing, Verbal Reasoning.
SATs Key Stage 2 (ages 10/11) Children in Key Stage 2 take the SATs test in English, Maths and Science in Year 6 during the month of May. The tests are taken at the same time by year 6 children all over the country.
The Common Entrance exam This is the exam taken by chidlren who wish to enter a private school at aged 11 or 13 in Britain.
SATs Key Stage 3 (ages 14/15) Children in Key Stage 3 take the SATs test in English, Maths and Science in Year 9 during the month of May.
GCSE’s – ages 14/15 GCSE exams stand for the General Certificate of Education and these are usually taken in Year 11 of Secondary school, though some more able children may take the exam a year early in Year 10. Generally speaking most GCSE courses last for two yeasr and include a mixture of both practical and examination work.
BTECH – ages 16+ For more information about BTEC exams.
A S Levels – ages 16/17 These take place at the end of year 12 of Secondary school and count to the final A-level grade which is completed the following year. Many students tend to take four (or even five) A S Levels, before dropping one or two of them for the final year of their A Level course.
A Levels – ages 17/18 These are the final exams that pupils take in Secondary Scools (or at sixth form colleges) and they are used by Universities to determine which students are accepted for University courses, or by potential employers who are considering employing a student. Most students tend to take three subject based A Levels as well as the General Studies A Level.
HND – ages 18+
Degree – ages 18+